Here are some items that received reviews lately
The first four items received glowing reviews. The fifth item, which we really like, received a bad review. We are sad because it is the first review for this toy. The customer called it weak, but in our video demonstration you can see that it hops and jumps all over the table
The Kissing Casanova vibrator has just received some great reviews. It's a wonderful toy.
The Rose is the most well-loved sex toy of the last year. Everyone really seems to love it. It is priced right and works great.
The Butterfly Kiss has been getting great reviews since before the year 2000. It is a complete classic and is affordably priced.
The Epic Exciter hasn't been getting great reviews, but if you click on the page you can watch our video and indeed see that this is a strong, powerful toys. Customer reviews can be bad because some customers may not read the directions for their toy. We suspect this customer didn't figure out how to push the buttons to get their vibrator to speed up. Instead they used it on its lowest settings. It's a shame really.
If you want a great, professional review of any toys, read our own description first. We examine these toys more closely than anyone. We've seen thousands of toys and will give you honest, straight advice.
If you want a shortcut to our the best sex toys and vibrators available, visit the Expert Picks page here.