Toy of the Month - The Star-Kissed Affair Rabbit Vibrator

Toy of the Month - The Star-Kissed Affair Rabbit Vibrator

Build a daily rabbit habit with the Star-Kissed Affair Rabbit Vibrator


This month, allow me to introduce the Star-Kissed Affair Rabbit Vibrator. I found this vibrator languishing in the back of our warehouse, suffering from a case of "no one saw how amazing this vibrator is, so it ended up in a corner in the back of our website" syndrome. 

Today, we're changing all that. 

The Star-Kissed Affair Vibrator is a top-of-the-line rabbit vibrator. It's beautiful in ways that are hard to express through a photograph—it features a gorgeous glitter base, a deep magenta color, and it's totally seamless. It also boasts easy-to-use, push-button controls. That might sound like vibrator jargon, but believe me, there are plenty of vibrators that are difficult to use. That's the last thing you want getting in the way of your pleasure experience.

What I really love about this vibrator:

  • It features a long, wide vibrating clitoral stimulator. This is so important in a rabbit! Everyone has different vulva/labia anatomy, and if you get a rabbit vibrator with a short clitoral stimulator, it might not touch your clitoris. That, my friends, is a fail. Look for a rabbit like the Star-Kissed Affair, which covers more of your labia, and will reach more of your clitoris.
  • It's seamless and made of body-safe, hypoallergenic silicone. This vibrator feels like velvet, which is exactly what you want on your velvety parts.
  • It features 35 vibration combinations! Let me tell you how those work: first, you cycle through to find the pattern you enjoy (which might be straight-up vibration, no pattern at all). THEN, you press the up and down buttons, to find the level of intensity you like. Most vibrators don't offer the ability to dial in exactly the intensity + pattern you desire, so this is a big plus!
  • The Affair has a clitoral vibrator, AND a second vibrating motor in the shaft, so you'll really get rocked by intense vibration, all over. Hidden beads in the shaft rotate inside you for even more vaginal stimulation.


Who will enjoy a rabbit vibrator ... and who might not


After Sex and the City made rabbit vibrators famous, it was assumed that every person with a vagina would love a rabbit vibrator. And that's simply not true.

Rabbit vibrators offer the most stimulation of any vibrator. For some, rotating beads are a wonderful addition to g-spot pleasure. For others, rotation is an overload: too many feelings all at once, and too strong to boot. If this is you, consider a dual-motor-vibrator instead. You'll get vibration with penetration, without the movement inside your vagina.

How do you know if you'll love a rabbit? If you like tons of sensation, enjoy penetrative sex, and are excited by movement inside your vagina, then a rabbit vibrator is for you. I absolutely recommend the Star-Kissed Affair, which comes with a one-year warranty through the manufacturer.

Buy this rabbit vibrator here!

Welcome back to the Toy of the Month blog! As you may have noticed, we took a break for the last six months of 2020, and now we're back with a fresh feel, and a fresh writer, Lynn Wolfbrandt, who is a certified holistic sexuality coach, and our resident product curator.

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